EST 1968

​​Brandon Broncos Youth Football and Cheer 

​Practice days are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday  6:30pm-8:30pm for both Spring and Fall.

Games are on Saturdays

Concussion Awareness!!

Attention all parents and athletes.

The State of Florida and Hillsborough County now require mandatory training/awareness on concussions for all Coaches, Volunteers, Parents and athletes. You will be presented with a Concussion Awareness form that requires signatures from both the parent and athlete. This form outlines the symptoms and of a concussion and advises that any child displaying those symptoms would be removed from participation until evaluated by a trained health care professional. This Informed Concussion Consent Form is also available under the forms link at the top.

Below there is a YouTube video that we ask each of you view WITH your child. If you would like more information on Concussions or Heat related illnesses please see any trustee. Click here for the Concussion Awareness video.

Cheer Ages

Registration Fee

Fall $300

Spring $200

Mighty MItes
5 & 6
Pee Wees
7 & 8
9 & 10
Junior Varsity
11 & 12
13 - 15

Included for *Fall*: Practice uniforms, Competition Shoes, 3 Bows, Bloomers, RENTAL Uniform, Competition fees

Included for *Spring*: Bow, Bloomers, Practice uniform, RENTAL Uniform, 2 Competitions. 

**Uniform must be returned**

Not Included:  Practice attire, practice/game shoes.

Football Ages

Registration Fee All levels are TACKLE football

Fall $300

Spring $225

Mighy Mites
9, 10
Junior Varsity
11, 12
13, 14


RENTAL of Helmet, Shoulder pads,

game uniform (Jersey and Pants), Football pack

**Helmet, shoulder pads and game pants must be returned **

Not Included:  Cleats, additional protective gear, practice pants (include 7 pads), practice jersey